Our Privacy Notice

At Chicago Capital Trading Inc., our clients’ trust is important to us. Because you trust us with your financial and other personal information, we take the safeguarding and respect of this information very seriously. In order to maintain that trust, we pledge to protect your privacy by striving to adhere to the policy outlined below.

Personal information we obtain is limited but may come to use through account opening documents and custodial statements. The type of information collected is personal financial information, transaction and various other similar items of personal information. This information is important to provide the best service to you.

There may be times when such information is provided to our affiliates to enable us to receive services such as accounting, legal and compliance matters. Also, we provide such client information to other third party service providers when it is essential for the servicing of your account (i.e., transactional services). We may disclose such information to other third parties that we believe it necessary for the conduct of our business or where disclosure is required by law. We will subject such disclosures to confidentiality agreements.

It is our policy that we do not provide current and former customer names and account information to any outside firms, persons or organizations (such as catalogue or direct mail companies) unless there is a pre-existing relationship you have established, such as a custodian or professional service provider (i.e., attorney, accountant), you have provided authority for us to do so or in situations where we have a legal or regulatory obligation to provide such information.

It is our policy to not provide any other businesses with any information specific to accounts maintained at Chicago CTI for the purpose of marketing or business leads. It is our policy regarding documentation containing sensitive client information (i.e., name, address, SSN, account number, credit information, etc.) to dispose of in a manner whereby the information cannot be read or reconstructed. This includes shredding the information on a timely basis.

It is our policy to remove all data from computers so that the information cannot be restored or reconstructed before the computer is donated or disposed. Your information is protected in various manners. All employees are subject to a policy regarding confidentiality. Employees who violate our privacy policy are subject to disciplinary process. In addition, our internal systems are secured through encryption technology, passwords and physical safeguards. We strive to maintain the confidentiality of your account and any other personal information.